Wuhan - "готовимся к земле"

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Wuhan - "готовимся к земле"

#361 Сообщение none » Ср мар 18, 2020 8:32 pm

Туалетная бумага опять пропала и яйца , вау . .. Карантин не выход, контролировать надо все случаи, тестировать больше, в Корее массово всех тестируют причем на машине они едут в центр медицинский не выходя из машины в окно забрали тест он дальше поехал, быстро, эффективно и безопасно

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Wuhan - "готовимся к земле"

#362 Сообщение Gradient » Ср мар 18, 2020 8:56 pm

none писал(а): Карантин не выход, контролировать надо все случаи

Шафир уже раз 20 объяснял, объясню снова.

1. Если нет методов лечения - карантин это единственный выход.
Изучите опыт Китая или хотя бы математическую модель процесса.

2. Что получилось из идеи "контролировать все случаи" - уже прекрасно видно по взлетающим графикам кейсов.
Это провал... в совокупности с прочей тупизной, приведёт к катастрофе.

Как говорит Шафир: "вирус очень убедителен".
Убедит вас до смерти.

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Контактная информация:

Wuhan - "готовимся к земле"

#363 Сообщение незнайка » Ср мар 18, 2020 9:19 pm

Gradient а что ты не послушал выступление сингапурских министров?
Прям только посмотрел на них без звука и сразу сделал правильные выводы какие они сякие и разэтакие....

А то что граждане Малайзии кто здесь работает,
Узнали внезапно новость что Малайзия закрывает границы на карантин от своих сингапурских боссов, это тебе не о чем не говорит?

Малайскому правительству по ходу на своих людей - насрать, что творилось на границе! Люди собирались впопыхах. Пипец - слов нет! Министр объявил закрытие Малайзии на карантин с 18 числа в понедельник 16 вечером, то есть все проблемы людям надо решить в течении одного дня. А в Сингапуре очень много малайцев работает:

On Monday night, Malaysia’s Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin announced a nationwide lockdown from 18 March to 31 March to curb movements in and out of the country in a bid to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

All Malaysians will be banned from travelling overseas, while foreign tourists and visitors will not be allowed to enter Malaysia. Those returning from overseas must undergo a health inspection and self-quarantine for 14 days.

Some of the Malaysians who were interviewed said that they only learned of the travel ban on Tuesday and had to hurry to their homes in Johor Bahru (JB) and prepare for their two-week stay in Singapore.

Suaini Dodot, a 34-year-old massage therapist, said that she heard the news on Monday night when a customer informed her. Expressing surprise, Suaini, who commutes to Singapore daily for her work, said, “It will affect everything because we have family in JB and we have to leave them (behind) for two weeks. I will miss them so much,” she said.

Her company had already arranged for a hostel where its workers could stay. Suaini went to JB in the wee hours of Tuesday, packed her belongings and returned to Singapore at 5pm on Tuesday.

Bala Chandran, a 25-year-old technician, said that he has no choice but to stay in Singapore as it was not possible for him to work from home. Of the 300 workers in his company, some 30 Malaysians would be affected by the travel ban, he added.

While his company had told him that it had prepared several hostels for the affected workers to stay in, Bala doesn’t know where he is going to spend the night.

Sau Kee Chun, also a technician, said he came to Singapore on Tuesday morning to work at his usual time before returning to JB to pack his belongings at midday. The 36-year-old Malaysian took almost three hours to reach Singapore due to the heavy traffic jam.

“We just don’t know how to react as we don’t have time to think about it or plan for it,” said Sau.

When asked if he was prepared to stay in Singapore longer should the lockdown be extended, Sau said that he has no choice but to use his salary to purchase necessities here instead of across the Causeway.

Sathyaseelan, a 24-year-old Certis Cisco officer, said that he was “very angry” when he heard about the lockdown, saying it will cause him and his colleagues great inconvenience. Nine out of his 15-person work team will be affected by the lockdown.

“We need to stay at a room every day but we don’t know what room or stay at where,” said Sathyaseelan, who has been commuting daily between JB and Singapore for two years.

Like many of her compatriots, Julie Sani, a 32-year-old production operator, said she did not expect Malaysia to be on lockdown. She found out about the announcement through her boss on Tuesday morning and quickly rushed home to pack her belongings before returning to Singapore after 8pm.

“I have cash but not that much other supplies because it was very sudden when we found out,” she added.

ttps://www.google.com/amp/s/sg.news.yah ... 41281.html
Привет из солнечного города :sun

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Контактная информация:

Wuhan - "готовимся к земле"

#364 Сообщение Gradient » Ср мар 18, 2020 10:27 pm

Закрытие должна была делать на Малайзия, а Сингапур.
Но Сингапур "уже не тот", бабло им дороже... Дедушка Ли это бы в момент решил.

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Контактная информация:

Wuhan - "готовимся к земле"

#365 Сообщение незнайка » Ср мар 18, 2020 10:29 pm

Gradient да просто охиреть как Сингапуру бабло дороже,
Cингапур в отличие от Малазии позаботился о работниках из Малазии и потратил деньги на эти компинсации,
И какого хера Малазия только сейчас объявила карантин?
И что то статистики заболевших по Малазии особо нет,

Companies in Singapore hit by Malaysia lockdown to get $50 per night over 2 weeks for each affected worker’s lodging

Wong Casandra

Yahoo News Singapore17 March 2020, 7:37 pm GMT+8

People arriving at Woodlands Checkpoint on 17 March, 2020. (PHOTO: Dhany Osman/Yahoo News Singapore)

SINGAPORE — Companies in Singapore hit by Malaysia’s lockdown will get $50 for every affected worker per night over two weeks to help ease additional costs incurred in securing temporary lodging for them here, Manpower Minister Josephine Teo said on Tuesday (17 March).

This “temporary relief measure” will give companies more time to work out sustainable arrangements and more details on how they can apply for the financial support will be announced at a later date, said Teo at a press conference chaired by the COVID-19 multi-ministry taskforce.

“We advise employers to assess manpower needs carefully and make a considered decision as to whether they need their affected workers to remain in Singapore,” she added, noting that many of these workers are hired by companies that provide essential services, such as healthcare, security, cleaning, transport as well as waste and facilities management.

Teo said that the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has released a list of 20 hotels and four dormitories where companies can consider to house these affected workers. The hotels on the list include Furama Riverfront, Peninsula Excelsior Hotel, and three Ibis budget Singapore hotels.

The ministry is also working with the industry to facilitate the accommodation in Housing Board flats and private properties for such workers.

Teo also reiterated the MOM’s call for companies to encourage such workers to stay with their relatives, friends or colleagues, who may be willing to accommodate them for a short period.

Thus far, employers have mostly been able to find accommodation options on their own, she added.

“But a number have had difficulty and approached us, several hundred or so. And by and large, we do have enough capacity to help them. So I'm confident that all of the needs can be met,” explained Teo, who disclosed that more than 10,000 workers have been matched so far for their accommodation.

Her remarks come a day after Malaysia’s Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin announced a nationwide restriction of movement in the country from 18 to 31 March, in a bid to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

All non-essential businesses will be closed. Malaysians are prohibited from travelling overseas, while foreign tourists and visitors will not be allowed to enter Malaysia. 

1% of public healthcare workers affected

About 300,000 people travel across the Woodlands and Tuas checkpoints daily, according to local authorities.

Of these, about 1,000 public healthcare workers in Singapore – or one per cent of the sector – commute daily via these checkpoints, said Health Minister and taskforce co-chair Gan Kim Yong who was also present at the conference. The majority of them are nurses and healthcare assistants, he added, in response to media queries.

“The hospitals and various service providers are now working with these healthcare workers to see whether we can accommodate them in Singapore,” said Gan.

“We have sufficient accommodation to provide for them to stay in Singapore if they wish to. But some of them may decide to go back to Malaysia, because of their family and many other reasons.”

Gan said the ministry will allow them to go back as well as make interim arrangements from Singapore’s current manpower resources to supplement those who are not able to return to Singapore.

When asked about the possibility of relaxing restrictions on short-term rental here, taskforce co-chair Lawrence Wong stressed the government is prepared to be flexible on existing rules regarding occupancy in Housing board flats, given the current public health emergency.

This may include changing the number of months of rent required for the duration of a rental agreement.

“And if it goes beyond two weeks I'm sure by then, we will have sufficient rent units available for employers to put in place, appropriate rental arrangements,” Wong, who is also National Development Minister, said.

Separately on Tuesday, National Transport Workers’ Union (NTWU) executive secretary Melvin Yong said on Facebook that the union has worked with the Land Transport Authority and the public transport operators to secure and provide hotel accommodation for over 2,500 affected public transport workers for the next two weeks.

These workers, including Malaysian bus captains and technicians, will also be given a daily allowance to defray some “unexpected living expenses”, he added.

“To further support our public transport workers during this challenging time, the union is looking at providing subsidised meals to our members at our NTWU canteens across the island. More details will be shared in due course,” said Yong, who is also Member of Parliament for Tanjong Pagar GRC.

To date, Singapore has 266 confirmed cases of the virus, of which over 100 are imported. While 114 patients have fully recovered and have been discharged from hospital, 14 remain in critical condition in the intensive care unit.
Привет из солнечного города :sun

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Контактная информация:

Wuhan - "готовимся к земле"

#366 Сообщение shafir » Ср мар 18, 2020 10:31 pm

Сейчас варианты либо протестить всех прибывших, в идеале все население за "пару дней" либо полный карантин. Если ни то ни то и еще неделя будет жопа.

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Контактная информация:

Wuhan - "готовимся к земле"

#367 Сообщение Gradient » Ср мар 18, 2020 10:36 pm

Они не смогут всех потестить потому что эти "все" уже разбежались по городу.
Жесткий карантин они не вводят - бабло пропадёт.
Какой у нас остаётся вариант?


С точки зрения уголовного законодательства, совершено уголовное преступление:
Преступное бездействие — это пассивное поведение человека или должностного лица, которое заключается в том, что лицо не выполняет или ненадлежащим образом выполняет возложенные на него обязанности. В результате чего причиняется вред здоровью или объектам охраны уголовного права, или приводит к смерти людей.

Об ответственности должностного лица за бездействие
Отдельно следует выделить ответственность за бездействие должностного лица. В этом случае конкретная статья УК, по которой виновному будет предъявлено обвинение, зависит от должностных обязанностей и ситуации (точнее, тех действий, от совершения которых лицо уклонилось). Например, можно вспомнить о ст. 293 УК РФ, предусматривающей ответственность должностного лица за халатность, т. е. недобросовестное отношение лица к служебным обязанностям, т. к. это влечет за собой существенное нарушение прав и законных интересов иных лиц. Также здесь можно говорить о последствиях за несоблюдение лицом обязанности по выполнению требований охраны труда. Если должностное лицо обязано было соблюдать их, но пренебрегло своей обязанностью и это повлекло за собой причинение тяжкого вреда здоровью человека или стало причиной его смерти, то это лицо будет привлечено к уголовной ответственности.

Это пояснение для тех мадемуазелей, что плохо понимают суть происходящего...

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Зарегистрирован: Пн дек 01, 2014 5:18 pm
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Контактная информация:

Wuhan - "готовимся к земле"

#368 Сообщение none » Ср мар 18, 2020 11:12 pm

Сегодня новых 47 больных, в госпитале 200 всего, ещё не так критично

Максимум будет под 1000

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